About US
The Middle College National Consortium (MCNC) is a nationwide network of Early and Middle Colleges that works collaboratively to give underserved high school students the opportunity to access college courses and earn an associate degree or transferable college credits with no cost to students or their families.
MCNC believes that effective school reform grows out of sustained collaboration among experienced practitioners, built around open communication and perpetual support for the growth of these practitioners’ leadership skills. MCNC’s work centers around four design principles:
- College-focused academic programs and support
- Comprehensive student support
- Dynamic school and college partnerships
- A culture of continuous improvement
Using these principles, MCNC schools bridge the high school and college experience for underserved youth, leading to increased access to and success in college. As a school-based, data-driven practitioner network, MCNC has successfully pioneered innovative programs that serve school districts, community colleges, universities, and both public and charter high schools across the country for more than three decades.
Currently MCNC is in partnership with:
- The College and High School Alliance Coalition
- The National Center for Restructuring Education (NCREST)
- Michigan Department of Education/Office of CTE – Michigan Early Middle College Association (MEMCA)
- The California Coalition of Early and Middle Colleges (CCEMC)
The Middle College National Consortium operates as a not for profit organization. Our Board of Directors is comprised of the principals from our member schools. The Executive Board is elected from the Board of Directors.

The mission of the Middle College National Consortium is to
Increase the number of students nationally who have access to college classes through Early Colleges, Middle Colleges, and Dual Enrollment Programs.
- Providing leadership and support for continuous improvement in member schools and programs
- Providing technical assistance for new Early or Middle Colleges and Dual Enrollment Programs
- Collecting and analyzing data to improve schools and programs and validate positive outcomes for students
- Providing cross-city and cross-institution learning opportunities about practices that result in increased college completion rates
- Ensuring that students have the opportunity to inform school and program design
So that member schools and programs can develop and sustain a successful model of collaborative education that expands students’ future opportunities.