Become a Member
Members of the Consortium have access to a nationwide network of like-minded educators and schools, professional development and student conferences, individualized assistance, and the latest in educational thinking.

2024-25 Membership Levels
Most Popular
Discounted conference rates
Access to MCNC Member Resources, including implementation of MCNC Design Principles
Access to aggregate MCNC schools’ data
Opportunities to network with other Middle/Early College schools
Social Media interaction from MCNC on Facebook, Instagram, and/or LinkedIn
Inclusion of relevant and approved content in MCNC communications (i.e. newsletters and website)
Opportunity to become a certified MCNC coach
Access to customized technical assistance and/or professional development (additional fees apply)
This option is also ideal for an individual who is exploring a Middle/Early College at their institution or is a retiree who is no longer at a full-member institution.
Benefits of Standard Institutional Membership applied for one named member.
This option is ideal for colleges who want to strengthen their dual enrollment programs.
Same benefits of the Standard Institutional Membership
This option is ideal for schools just starting out or going through a redesign.
Same benefits of the Standard Institutional Membership PLUS
5 hours of coaching to begin the process of implementing the MCNC Design Principles
why join us?
The Benefits of Membership:
As a member, you will have access to key, Middle/Early College-specific resources, including details on how to implement the MCNC Design Principles.
Leadership & Support
Members can receive technical assistance or professional development customized to their individual schools' needs. Additional fees apply.
Members have many opportunities to make connections, network, and build relationships with other Middle and Early College colleagues from across the country.
Shared Data
Use shared data from other Middle Colleges, Early Colleges, and Dual Enrollment programs to gain insights, learn best practices, and improve your school's program.
Discounted Rates
Fees are discounted for members who register for the two MCNC adult conferences. Students at member schools are invited to attend the Student Leadership Initiative.
Increased Visibility
MCNC follows and interacts with member schools' social media pages (Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn) and will include relevant content in regular MCNC communications.
Let’s work together
Interested in joining MCNC but want to speak with us first? Complete the Inquiry Form below and we will be in touch.