The Middle College National Consortium’s work is built upon four design principles. Schools dedicated to providing a college experience for high school students are more successful when they commit to institutional growth in providing academic and social/emotional support for students, strong partnerships with their college and community partners, and systemic data-driven organizational improvement. Below is a short description of each principle. Schools can guide and track their progress on achieving mastery of these principles by using the Rubric found in our Resources.

College-Focused Academic Program and Support

A formal academic education plan, including high school and college courses, guides all students at MCNC schools to graduate from high school with significant college coursework completed and a toolbox of strategies to continue toward completion of a college degree.
  • Academic support ( tutoring, seminars, modeling, cohorts)guides students to optimal use of multiple resources and strategies. 
  • Social/emotional support strengthens resolve, addresses social and emotional problems, and fosters outreach to appropriate advocates.
  • College organization skills including literacy and numeracy, time management, and reliable use of technology help students in their transition to college.      
  • College Knowledge instills habits of self-advocacy and provides students with comfort negotiating the organization and culture of college life.